Web Development and SEO Cheat Sheet
Getting your developers to prioritize and care deeply about your SEO needs is not easy, which is why developed the Web Developer's SEO Cheatsheet, a freely available download so that you can share it with anybody in your organization for the behind-the-scenes rundown on everything technical and off-page best practices applicable to SEO. It's no secret that most big and small companies struggle with search engine optimization. They may have all the relevant technology, the best page design, the greatest creative teams, and lots of experience. Yet they still don't get much traffic, which is where SEO begins to pay off for these companies. So even if you are new to online business, SEO should be your first and foremost goal.
You have to know how the search engines work, what their parameters are, and how to use them to your advantage. What does the Google XML Sitemaps do? What does the Meta tag do? How can you avoid the dreaded "crawl error"?
You might even be wondering why "search engine optimization" even exists. You just need to know how to create your pages with great content, get around being penalized by the search engines for things like duplicate content, over-optimization for keywords, incorrect URL's, cross-site scripting, etc. That is where this cheat sheet comes in. Each page must go through the checklist, and must be optimized for a specific keyword or set of keywords. The final result is a high page speed, with minimum user frustration. This is a simple process that should be done by all web developers.
Now let's talk about how you can make your web pages and websites fresh again. The first thing you want to do is maintain freshness - the most important aspect of search engine optimization. Your website will not perform well if it has old content and/or outdated keywords. To make your pages fresh, make sure you have fresh content added on a regular basis, ideally every week.
Next, you want to take the time to build your link profile. The best method is to have one to one content marketing with a local real estate agent, or one to one content marketing with a broker who specializes in a geographic area. You want to create as many quality links as possible that are within your target market, and have a high page speed. It is also important to build a quality link profile with quality content. Your page will perform better, if you are able to generate backlinks from sites with high page rankings as well.
The last component you want to focus on is your meta tags, keyword density, site maps, and sitemaps. This part of the SEO cheat sheet is absolutely vital if you want to see the best results with your keyword phrase(s). These tags and their content have a large impact on how you rank within the major search engines. In-depth knowledge of these areas is the key to better ranking in Google and other major search engines.
You can't rely solely on your meta tag keywords, but they must be properly placed within your web development. Web design professionals recommend including a main title tag, a sub title tag, and a site map tag at least twice per page. If you are unsure of how to place these items, consider hiring a professional for your web development. SEO specialists have the knowledge and skill to place each correctly, which will improve your overall SERPs.
In seo , the most essential part of any SEO project is ensuring that you optimize your pages for both the search engines and the search users. By creating fresh content on a regular basis, improving your web development strategies, and making sure that your meta tags accurately reflect the purpose of each page, you will begin to see results quickly. It doesn't matter whether you are building a small business website or a major ecommerce operation. SEO is the wave of the future for all companies seeking to gain a foothold in their chosen industry, and with the proper knowledge, a strong strategy, and a good deal of patience, success is guaranteed.